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​Crickets: 2 years - 3 years


The Twos Program is a warm and nurturing learning environment that supports children in the important "work" of early childhood - play!  


Children are encouraged to identify their emotions and to use their developing language skills to state their needs and wants, and engage with peers. Healthy habits include hand-washing and emerging interest in toilet learning.  


The Twos Program has Dance and Music enrichment classes weekly, and often takes walking field trips through the neighborhood.


  • Teacher-to-child ratio: 1 teacher to 6 children​. 

  • There is a maximum of 15 children with 3 teachers in this room.


Crickets' Schedule

7:30 - Health Check / Handwashing / Activity Centers

9:00 - Diaper Changes

9:30 -  Handwashing / Snack Time

10:00 - Circle Time

10:30 - Outdoor Exploration

11:45 - Diaper Check and Handwashing

12:00 - Handwashing / Lunch

1:00 - Nap Time

3:00 - Circle Time and Diaper Changes

3:40 - Handwashing / Snack

4:00 - Outdoor Exploration

6:00 -  Site Closed

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